Browse through more than 25 categories in BapuBapu App for various business information nearby you to decide where you want to go or eat based on our blog post, photo, user reviews as well as ratings, product/service content, merchant promotion and job vacancy.
1. Eat, Drink, Play, Fun ^_^
Search the location easily and you may contact the merchant to reserve the seat in advance for you or use the map feature to guide you there.
2. Daily Needs
BapuBapu provides an e-voucher wallet so that users can collect the coupons/vouchers which is offered by the merchants. At the same time, BapuBapu will remind users with notifications either when the voucher is going to expired or the events/activities that you would like to attend is getting near. Users can obtain details of nearby merchants latest activities/events instantly at fingertips.
3. Emergency Situation
Besides merchant information, BapuBapu includes info e.g. police station, fire station, hospital, 24-hours convenient store, Bank and government department.